ALTA’s Best Practices Certified (865) 539-4910

Digital Documents

What is the Digital Document System?

Crown Title offers a Digital Closing Documents System that provides buyers and sellers electronic access to all of their closing documents. At the time of closing, you will receive a Digital Passport Booklet that works as a key for you to access your closing documents from a secure online location (better known as a cloud). Additionally, we’ll keep you up to date on relevant information concerning your property for as long as you own it, with things such as recent real estate activity in your neighborhood or tax season reminders with links to your HUD statement.

For our Realtor and lender clients, the Digital Closing Documents System ensures that you stay top of mind with your clients after closing. Each time your clients access their Digital Closing Documents information, we’ll provide them with a link to your contact information. This is a service provided to you from us at no extra cost to help you grow your business! For more information on our effective “Forever Marketing” system you can check out our video below or contact us with any questions you may have.